Who is Hollis Casey? Age, profession, kids, and everything else about Drew Dober's wife

Publish date: 2024-06-04

UFC lightweight contender Drew Dober returned to winning ways with a decisive first-round TKO victory over Ricky Glenn at UFC Vegas 80. This victory came following a setback in his last fight against Matt Frevola, which derailed his impressive three-fight win streak.

Following the victory, Dober dedicated the moment to his daughter, who was tenderly held by his wife, Hollis Casey. In a light-hearted moment, he humorously speculated that, in a few years, his daughter might not care about his victory, playfully claiming she takes after him in looks.

In November 2020, Drew Dober proposed to Hollis Casey, and they are now happily married, although the exact wedding details remain private. Dober occasionally shares updates on their journey, such as an anniversary post on his Instagram on August 14. Earlier this year, Drew Dober and Casey welcomed their first baby in June 2023.

Hollis Casey has a diverse professional background, including roles in sales, healthcare, and fundraising. From May 2014 to September 2020, she served as the Director of Sales at Aspen Baking Co. in Denver, Colorado. In this position, she worked with leading food and beverage companies, focusing on expanding their customer base and market share through Aspen Baking's products and services.

Before her role at Aspen Baking Co, Casey worked as a Retail Sales Specialist at Mondelez International from January 2013 to May 2014, where she maximized sales opportunities within high-volume grocers and received recognition for her outstanding achievements.

Hollis Casey's career journey includes a role as a Health Insurance Associate at HCR ManorCare and a Certified Nursing Assistant. She also contributed to fundraising efforts as a Fundraiser for the Alumni Association at the University of Northern Colorado from August 2008 to May 2011.

Drew Dober makes history with lightweight knockout record at UFC Vegas 80

Drew Dober has etched his name in the lightweight division's history books following an electrifying performance at UFC Vegas 80. Dober swiftly secured a knockout victory over Ricky Glenn, taking just 2 minutes and 36 seconds into the first round to clock the victory.

Throughout the bout, Dober displayed controlled aggression, methodically pursuing Glenn and delivering precision strikes. Glenn struggled to counter Dober's relentless assault, resulting in a sequence that prompted referee Chris Tognoni to intervene.

With this triumph, Dober has surpassed Dustin Poirier, notching up nine knockouts and edging closer to Jim Miller's lightweight record of ten stoppage victories.

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