The Does Eyes vs the Ravagers Eyes

Publish date: 2024-06-11

As you make your way through the main narrative in Remnant 2, you will come across an NPC called Meidra who will ask you some questions that will determine if you have the Doe’s Eyes or the Ravager’s Eyes. Depending on your answers and the alignment that they will place you in, you will receive a corresponding buff.

If you have the Doe’s Eyes then you will get the Barkskin Trait, while the Ravager’s Eyes will provide you with the Bloodstream Trait. As the names suggest, to have the Ravager’s Eye, you will need to be strong-willed and cunning, while the Doe’s Eye is all about being passive and having an overall good disposition Remnant 2.

Depending on the answers you pick, you will be receiving the particular trait. This article will list all the questions that Meidra will ask in Remnant 2, along with the results that each answer will produce.

Remnant 2 Meidra guide: How to get the trait you want

You will come across Meidra in the Dappled Grove region located near Yaesha. Once you have met her in Remant 2, she will have the following questions that you have to give particular answers to in order to get the specific trait that you want.

Do you kill your patients to find the cure, or is it better to let the illness decide?

Do you give immortality to all or only a chosen few?

Do you give him what he asks?

Do you report the thief, or allow the poor orphans to keep the coin?

Do you forgive them?

Do you give up one of your children, or face the threat of enemy soldiers?

Do you stop them or let them learn from their mistakes?

Do you take your vengeance or turn the scum over to the authorities from whom he already escaped?

Do you save your son or your granddaughter?

Do you convict the innocent or risk your daughter’s life?

Do you save the family or do you let the family suffer by sparing the unwilling donor?

Do you kill your patients to find the cure or is it better to let the illness decide?

Do you poison him, or do you turn a blind eye to his plots of revenge?

Do you push the stranger or risk the death of five miners?

Do you speak with the rebels, or do you preserve the peace?

Do you torture your hostage or let the crowd fend for itself in the fire?

Do you aid the victims or attempt to destroy the goon?

Do you risk smothering the child to save yourself and the others?

Do you abandon your fellow hostages, or face death together?

Do you give the king the means to kill his enemies, or do you send them away and risk war?

Do you slay the warrior or leave him to whatever fate may hold?

Depending on your answers to Miedra’s questions in Remnant 2, you will receive the specific trait for granting your character a particular boost. It will also net you the Equal Measures trophy.

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