How to rename Wanderer in Genshin Impact: Name change guide

Publish date: 2024-06-19

Genshin Impact's 3.3 update introduced new missions, character banners, and even mini-games for players. The latest Archon quest also brought out a nice feature that many are bound to love.

To everyone's surprise, players can rename the 5-star playable character, Wanderer, at the end of 3.3 Archon Quest. After defeating Scaramouche and joining him on a journey to regain his memories, the traveler is given the task of renaming the character.

The gesture showcases the beginning of a new life for the Anemo character after all the chaos he caused in Sumeru to obtain the status of a 'God.' Given below are details on how to change Wanderer's name in Genshin Impact.

How to change Wanderer's name in Genshin Impact 3.3 update?

The latest version of the 3.3 update continues the Sumeru Archon Quest in Genshin Impact. The new Archon Quest has also incorporated a nice feature that has caught the community off guard.

For the first time, one can choose a name for a playable character other than the traveler. To rename the new 5-star character, Wanderer, players must reach the Inversion of Genesis, The Kabukimono's Finale! which is the third part of the Interlude Chapter Act III.

After reaching this stage, the player will have to defeat the Scaramouche boss in the quest domain, leading to the part where you choose a new name for Wanderer.

Note that there are certain rules that players have to follow while naming the new Anemo character:

Trying to break the rules will trigger different responses from the Wanderer. Here are all the responses players can get during this part:

Wanderer's name can be changed twice in Genshin Impact 3.3 update

Players can change the Wanderer's name twice in Genshin Impact's latest version. The first time will be right after completing the latest Archon Quest. To rename the Wanderer again, players will have to use this gadget, An Appelative Stroke.

This new 'An Appelative Stroke' gadget can be found in the inventory after finishing the latest Sumeru Archon Quest. This gadget will allow players to rename and choose a nickname for the Wanderer again. Remember that this will be the last time they can use the name function. After this, players won't be able to change their Wanderer's name anymore.

Genshin Impact players have tons of creative freedom if they abide by the rules and guidelines. Note that creating any content that leads to discrimination against any race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, government, or region can lead to bad consequences. This also includes behavior or content violating the game's service terms.

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