How to get Madden 24 50% offer? All you need to know about discount on EA Sports game
In anticipation of Madden 24, there is a new development that needs to be discussed. Some time ago, EA Sports encountered a significant issue where numerous Madden 23 Franchise mode saves were lost during the holiday season and couldn't be recovered due to a server problem. While the unrecovered saved games are unfortunately lost forever, the publisher has unveiled several measures to compensate the affected players.
One of these measures is an offer from EA Sports, providing anyone with a lost Franchise mode save file in Madden NFL 23 a 50% discount on purchasing Madden NFL 24. In this article, we will guide those affected on how to avail this 50% offer and also explore the reasons why Madden 24 surpasses its predecessor, Madden 23, in various aspects.

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Before beginning the Madden 23 game for the first time, users are made to create a Madden account complete with their full names and email addresses. That is how EA Sports can communicate important information about the video game.
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Regarding the 50% offer, EA conveyed this information via email, which also outlined the root cause of the issue. According to their statement, the file server storage reached maximum capacity during the holiday season, leading to unutilized legacy code corrupting accessed leagues. Simultaneously, process errors resulted in the deletion of many available backups, exacerbating the original storage problem.
This technical mishap was a result of several factors coinciding, but EA Sports assures that their team has conducted a thorough root cause analysis with the assistance of technical experts. They are actively updating their infrastructure, code, and processes to ensure that such an incident never occurs again.
Hence, the affected parties will get the Madden 24 offer by simply redeeming it via a link sent to their registered email address from EA Sports.
Is Madden 24 better than Madden 23?
For some key reasons, Madden 24 is better than Madden 23. Here's why:
1. Madden mini-games make a long-awaited return
The Madden community has been clamoring for the return of mini-games, and Madden 24 delivers on this request. These mini-games were a beloved feature during the PS2 era and have made a triumphant comeback in Madden 24. With 25 mini-games available at launch, including exciting challenges like Close Quarters and passing target mini-games, players have plenty to enjoy in Madden's latest iteration.
2. Superstar Mode is back
Superstar Mode is back and better, as your player can go from recruited rookie to Hall of Famer with the proper guidance. The return of the much-praised Superstar mode is EA's way of tacitly acknowledging that last year's simulation-focused approach to the method is here to stay. We are here for it!
3. The Yard just became a Superstar Showdown
From being underutilized in Madden 23 to being one of 24's major highlights, few comebacks are as inspiring as "The Yard." After being orphaned in last year's version, The Yard has been fully transformed into a revamped mode called Superstar Showdown. Critics have responded positively to this change, recognizing its appeal and improvements.
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