How to claim free Primogems and other rewards

Publish date: 2024-06-12

Genshin Impact is going all out with the release of the new region, Fontaine. Featuring 5-star characters like Lyney and Yelan, players are ecstatic about the 4.0 update banners. Discord recently collaborated with the game, allowing Discord Nitro users short on some Primogems to obtain the in-game currency by claiming the new gift bundle.

The gift bundle will provide players with 60 Primogems and some other in-game rewards. This article will guide Discord Nitro players in redeeming their Genshin Impact gift bundle.

How to claim 60 Primogems from Genshin Impact x Discord Nitro bundle

To celebrate Fontaine's release, Genshin has partnered with Discord to provide some in-game rewards to its fans. Players who use the Discord Nitro can obtain a gift bundle which will be available till September 26th, 2023 (11:59 pm PST).

The gift bundle will reward fans with the following:

Steps to claim the Genshin Impact x Discord Nitro bundle

To obtain the gift bundle, follow the easy steps given ahead:

Step 1: Go to the Gift Inventory in your Discord account. it can be found under Billing Settings.

Gift Inventory in Discord Nitro (Image via Sportskeeda)

Step 2: You will see a gift from Genshin here. Click on "Claim," and then you will be able to see a gift code.

Gift bundle code (Image via Sportskeeda)

Step 3: You can copy the code and redeem it in-game or on Genshin's official redeem code website. Clicking Redeem will redirect to the official website.

Official redeem code website (Image via HoYoverse)

Step 4: You must log in here with your in-game account, select your Server, and then paste the code for the Discord Nitro gift bundle.

Step 5: After you click redeem, you will get the bundle rewards in your in-game mail within a few minutes.

The redeem code will expire on October 27, 2023. Therefore, players are advised to redeem them at the earliest.

Eligibility criteria for Genshin Impact x Discord Nitro bundle

Discord Nitro gift bundle (Image via HoYoverse)

Players must note that there is an eligibility criteria for receiving this gift bundle, which are mentioned below:

This all players must know to obtain the Genshin Impact x Discord Nitro gift bundle.

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