Armored Core 6 PS5 native version runs worse than backwards compatiblePS4version
Armored Core 6 release marks the launch of perhaps the best performing From Software title yet. Unfortunately, there seems to be an odd trend on PlayStation 5, with the native version runs worse than backwards compatibility. As spotted by Twitter (X) user @manfightdragon, booting the PS4 Pro version on the current-gen PlayStation machines yields a far more consistent 60 FPS target throughout.
This is contrasted by drops during heavier sequences on the PS5. Here are the full details.
How does Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon run on the PlayStation 5?
Natively, the latest mech title by From Software features two modes Performace and Quality. The latter renders at a native 4K (3840 x 2160) resolution with an uncapped frame rate, with most results in the 30-40 FPS range.
The former, meanwhile, employs dynamic resolution scaling on top of a lower resolution target of 1800p, which drops to 1440p in the worst cases. As such, it boasts a 60 FPS target.
While the frame rate is largely smooth during initial sections, Armored Core 6's native PS5 build seemingly degrades in performance as the set-pieces get bigger and grander in later missions. This means the most solid 60 FPS makes way for a shaky mid-40s to low 50s, which can especially be felt during cutscenes. Interestingly, this is seemingly remedied by playing the PS4 version.
The user reports a stable 60 FPS across levels, which is not surprising in the slightest. The PS4 (and Pro) rendition of Armored Core 6 operates at lower resolutions as well as graphics settings. Running this bespoke version on more powerful hardware like the PS5 is bound to result in superior performance due to greater CPU, GPU, and memory headroom availability.
There are plenty of older games where this is the case. Square Enix's Final Fantasy 15 comes to mind, which, while 30-40 FPS on PS4 Pro, ran at a locked 60 FPS on PS5. Just Cause 3, while 30 FPS on PS5, clears up every inch of sub-20 FPS performance on PS4. While Armored Core 6 is a good-looking game on all systems, those wanting unwavering stability should buy the PS4 version.
However, they will miss out on many key visual features. The higher resolution for one, and even raytracing, which operates while in the mission select screen with the mech in the background.
The PS4 build also seems to operate with a mix of low-medium settings with some turned to high, resulting in a worse image than PS5. But if that's the price for gaining solid frame rates, then it is not a bad trade-off.
Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon is developed by From Software and published by themselves in addition to Bandai Namco. The sci-fi mecha action game is the first entry in the series since Armored Core Verdict Day for PS4/Xbox 360 in 2013. The game was released on August 25, 2023, and is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC (via Steam) platforms.
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